Elevate your product,
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Stratos Kalaitzis is a Product Designer and UX Researcher from Athens (GMT+3). Currently @Novibet, he leverages his expertise to elevate the digital betting industry. Prior to this, Stratos played a key role in the design team @Spotawheel, revolutionizing the user experience in the online used car industry.
Product Designer & UX Researcher
Designed products used by millions
UX Research
One of the most crucial steps along the process of acquiring a car is the checkout which we want to constantly optimize.
Product Design
UX Design
Case study
Entering or having selected the correct delivery address when ordering something online is one of the most crucial aspects that could make or break the entire experience.
Product Design
UX research
Case study
The most crucial business objective that needs to be kept intact is the transparency of the product and the seamless navigation through its main features.
UX Research
Product Design
Case study
When I ordered something from Efood there were times that I made unpleasant errors such as having food delivered at an unintended address.
Case Study
UX Design
Product Design
Designing an Expense Report Screen: Help users reduce household bills by tracking energy expenses in a personal finance app, as homes become smarter.
About me

Exploring My Design Process

From Doodles to Designs

In my design process, I conduct comprehensive discovery work to uncover user needs, enhance the product, and differentiate from competitors. Using tools like Google Analytics, Hotjar, and Fullstory, I analyze metrics and user recordings to explore conversion funnels and identify valuable opportunities. This research phase provides deep insights into user behavior and guides me in creating primary concept designs that capture potential solutions. Collaborating with cross-functional teams, including Product Managers and Engineers, I seek alignment and gather feedback on the viability of these concepts.

From Designs to Products

Once alignment is achieved, I refine the designs and rapidly prototype them to test usability and effectiveness. This iterative approach ensures a seamless user experience and meets their evolving needs. I create detailed handoff materials to effectively communicate design intent to the engineering team, supporting them throughout implementation. However, the design process doesn't stop there. I continuously monitor the solution's effectiveness and gather user feedback, driving ongoing optimization and refinement. This iterative cycle ensures the product remains relevant and evolves with user requirements.
From Designs to Products
I soon realized that I wanted to take my design skills to the next level and make a more tangible impact on people's lives. This realization led me to the world of
From Designs to Products
I soon realized that I wanted to take my design skills to the next level and make a more tangible impact on people's lives. This realization led me to the world of
From Designs to Products
I soon realized that I wanted to take my design skills to the next level and make a more tangible impact on people's lives. This realization led me to the world of
From Designs to Products
I soon realized that I wanted to take my design skills to the next level and make a more tangible impact on people's lives. This realization led me to the world of